The Saint-Sauveur Valley: A Place of Flavors!

From one-to-one to partying, there's something for everyone in nature and... in the Valley of Saint-Sauveur! Picturesque and gourmet, the Valley has nearly a hundred restaurants with varied flavors offering cuisine from here and elsewhere and concocted by passionate chefs.

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    La Balançoire créative

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    La Balançoire créative

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    La Belle & la Boeuf

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    La Belle & la Boeuf

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    La Belle Province

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    La Belle Province

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    La Cage Brasserie Sportive

    • la cage 1

    La Cage Brasserie Sportive

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    La Jasette – Comptoir santé

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    La Jasette – Comptoir santé

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    La P’tite Polonaise

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    La P’tite Polonaise

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    La petite boîte à lunch

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    La petite boîte à lunch

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    La Tonkinoise

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    La Tonkinoise

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    Le Baroudeur – café cycliste

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    Le Baroudeur – café cycliste

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    Le Bistro St-Sauveur

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    Le Bistro St-Sauveur